An Idyllic Retreat: Review of Ravenala Attitude Resort Mauritius

Ravenala ALtitude hotel: Instagram Spots in Mauritius

About this Blog: The Ravenala Attitude is one of the four star luxury properties located on the west coast of Mauritius. It is a family friendly resort, huge in size, with close to 300 rooms and provides good value for money and quality service. Located at the Baie aux tortues, Ravenala provides plenty of water […]

7 Bengali Cultural Traits Reinstated as I attended a Family Wedding! (Photo heavy Blog)

About this blog: This is a photo-blog on traditional Bengali wedding celebration. It illustrates wedding rituals, Bengali culture, what we eat, how we roll and captures moments that I found evocative! One of my cousin brothers got married less than a month back! By the virtue of now-fading-but-once-thriving great Indian joint families, we had spent […]

অদেখা অচেনা গোয়া: বাংলা ভ্রমণ কাহিনী

গোয়া, ভারতের পশ্চিম দিকে আরব সাগরের তীরে অবস্থিত এই ছোট্ট রাজ্যটি পৃথিবী বিখ্যাত। গোয়া শুধু একটা ঘুরতে যাওয়ার জায়গা না, স্বাধীনতার অন্য আরেক নাম। গোয়া হল সেই স্বাধীনতা যা আপনাকে নিত্যকর্ম থেকে এক লাফে নিয়ে আসতে পারে অসীমের সামনে। অসীম যা নাকি অতুল মনির সন্ধানে, সমুদ্রের মাঝে গিয়ে ঝাঁপ দেয় এক মারিয়ানা খাতে। আচ্ছা না […]

Ultimate Goa Travel Guide for the First Time Travelers!

About this blog: This travel guide to Goa will list out all the practical travel tips to the Coastal state of West India, and the country’s most beloved beach destination. If you are traveling to Goa for the first time, you will ideally find all the answers related to Goa travel in this article! If […]

Yab Yum Beach at Ashwem Beach: Best Eco Resort in Goa

Nestled in between a dense coconut grove, Yab Yum Resort is a shy property, safeguarding Goa’s last wild frontier. It is located at the wee end of northern stretch of Goa’s coastal line at Ashwem beach, where not many would tread, even in a country as populous as India. Yab Yum is beautiful and then […]