Rethinking Travels in the Post Covid World with Manjulika Pramod

We are living in a strange world. I would have laughed out loud if you would have said this before, that the world would be stopped, locked inside a room… People would die from a virus attack… Economy shall stall… but truth is stranger than fiction and we the millennial are living through one of […]

Lau Patay Mora Macher Dimer Paturi: Fish roe steamed in Gourd Leaves

macher dimer paturi: fish roe steamed

In case your fish has come home with a stomach full off roes, which is normal in the monsoon season, you are up for an exquisite treat! Gather some coconut, mustard and an edible leaf. Banana leaf will do too! And steam it. You Patui is ready to be devoured! Read all my recipe here: […]

9 Community Tourism Initiatives in Europe are opening a New Normal in Sustainable Practice

sustainable tourism in Europe

About this blog: A handful of community tourism experience which stems out of beautiful and immersive local culture of Europe’s oft-overlooked provinces. If you are looking for meaningful, sustainable travel experiences in Europe, they must make it to your list. With Europe gradually opening doors to tourists and the world seemingly having learnt the necessary […]

Top 25 Indian Recipes which will Remind you of India Travel!

Bengali celebration thali with fish

Cooking Indian food is a delightful experience. Here are a handful of easy to cook at home Indian recipes. They will take you from North to South and east to west with a wide array of flavours and spices. “Ghraneno Ardhobhojonang”, as the Sanskrit Shloka goes, “Here, half of the meal is bestowed on you […]

Daab Chingri: cooking Prawns inside a Green Coconut, like a Bengali does!

Daab Chingri Recipe: beautiful food pictures from Bengal

Daab Chingri is a Bengali variant of prawns cooked in tender coconut. It is a classic coastal preparation. You may recreate this recipe with chicken.  Daab Chingri as we call this mellow medley of slow cooked prawns and coconut meat, cooked inside a whole green coconut shell, is as authentic a Bengali dish can get. […]

My first Suicide Attempt and Why I Never Want to Die Again!

“Eighty percent of comedians come from a place of tragedy. They didn’t get enough love. They have to overcome their problems by making people laugh.” Jamie Masada, owner, Laugh Factory. I cried myself to sleep that night. I had just drank a couple of “caps” of Baygon Spray. I was 14 years old. I was […]

Historic Mosques in Europe that Amplify Diverse Cultural heritage

Thinking of historic mosques, our perception usually hovers around the large land mass of Middle East and South Asia. With the secular, liberal, post communist social fabric of Europe, mosques usually don’t blend in among mass media. However, the truth is, Europe has a number of historic mosques, some of them bearing local’s commitment to […]

Kashmiri Ab Gosht: an Idea Simmering since MILLENNIA

Ab Gosht: Kashmiri meat recipe with lamb/mutton/beet

About this blog: A recipe for Ab Gosht, a meat stew in milk which can be cooked with mutton/lamb/beef. It is a slow cooked meat stew packed with flavors of various spices, predominantly fennel (Mouri) and embarks intense influence from ancient Persia. This particular recipe is drawn on Kashmiri food heritage. Update: Upon showing this […]