In Photos: Memories of Hanoi Old Quarter

hanoi Old Quarter Vietnam

Soaking in the Grand Celebration of Life at Hanoi, Vietnam’s Capital City! I stayed in Hanoi for 4 days. I stayed in the old quarter of Hanoi. You already know about that. I took a few days’ retreats to Sa Pa and Ninh Binh from the bustling city but came back to the calmness of Hoan […]

10 food you must eat in Hanoi (includes Old Quarter and beyond)

Hot Plate in Hanoi

While Thailand had blessed me with an incessant supply of seafood even in the capital city of Bangkok, Hanoi overwhelmed me with history and culture. Sated, when I felt the hunger pang by the end of the day, I could list down plenty of distinct style of great food. The initial sense of aroma, look […]

Never Again: Saigon War Remnant Museum

It numbed a part of my mind. The moment I visited the War Remnant Museum, Saigon. Sure, I have read tons of literature, spent sleepless nights watching movies on the Nam war and felt the terror. And not lived in it. For when Copolla had filmed the Napalm bomb razing over the swaying palm trees […]

Hello, Saigon. My Old Friend

The city is old. It has had its own share of rendezvous with colonial rulers. But ancient indigenous civilization peeps from the morning customs as the populace prepare to welcome another work day. The old rat is dead and rots by the open sewage. What did you say? Delhi? Nay. It is not Delhi. There […]

Vietnam: My 2 Weeks Travel Itinerary

Time follows its serpentine course as we make merry by the side, all engulfed in fun and frolic. It was a little more than 30 months, Sayantan proposed me a plan of Nam escapade. Now, I am a Thai travel veteran and in love with the tiny nascent beaches by the Andaman sea. I had […]