An Idyllic Retreat: Review of Ravenala Attitude Resort Mauritius

About this Blog: The Ravenala Attitude is one of the four star luxury properties located on the west coast of Mauritius. It is a family friendly resort, huge in size, with close to 300 rooms and provides good value for money and quality service. Located at the Baie aux tortues, Ravenala provides plenty of water […]
Sofitel Luang Prabang, A Luxury Stay in Timeless Vintage Style in Laos!

Sofitel Luang Prabang: A Luxury Stay at the heart of Timeless Luang Prabang! Set in an old-school French Bungalow, Sofitel Luang Prabang celebrates Laos local life in every minuscule aspect. Life is good at Sofitel Luang Prabang! Also read: A day out at Kuang Si Waterfall, the most beautiful spot at South East Asia! The […]
Azure Mara Haven: An Honest Review: Where to stay at Masaimara…

Azure Mara Haven, a Case of Love at First Sight? “Azure Mara Haven? What is that?” We were surprised at the proposal from our trip organizer. Our stay at Masai Mara was promised (and booked) at the Sekenani Camp. The British camp operating for 20 years is a reputed property in Mara. The pictures and […]