We are living in a strange world. I would have laughed out loud if you would have said this before, that the world would be stopped, locked inside a room… People would die from a virus attack… Economy shall stall… but truth is stranger than fiction and we the millennial are living through one of the most surreal times of twenty-first century!
In such circumstances, in the month of June, Manjulika and I, two women from India, who had been associated with travel industry by the virtue of writing and content creation, decide to sit down and talk. Manjulika Pramod is the author behind Pendown, a travel blog and she authors a number of bylines. She had been traveling non stop until the pandemic menaced in a grim face on the Indian peninsula. Her experience of traveling in Malaysia, and subsequent stay at Vijaywada down south in India will resonate with everyone who is stranded from home under myriad circumstances.
Listen to this podcast, which is hopefully going to show a glimmer of hope as the country is undergoing the unlock phase and our dream of getting a preventive vaccine is still far-fetched.
Also read: Lock-down diary of an Indian woman!
Listen to all previous travel podcast here.
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